Folder 2.2 Home birth reports and conference papers, 1982-1992 (WWAT 2000/1)

DMS symbol

DMS symbol

Accession no.

WWAT 2000/1

Accession title

Domiciliary Midwives Society of New Zealand (Inc.), 1976-2000

Folder title Folder 2.2 Home birth reports and conference papers, 1976-2000
Holdings location Wise Woman Archives Trust (Inc.). Available at

File 20001-22-004NFP was classified by the author as being ‘not for publication’.

20001-22-001 20001-22-002 20001-22-003 20001-22-004NFP 20001-22-005
20001-22-006a 20001-22-006b 20001-22-007 20001-22-008 20001-22-009
20001-22-009a 20001-22-010 20001-22-010a