Folder 9 Home Birth Association conference reports, 1986-1993 (WWAT 2000/1)

DMS symbol

DMS symbol

Accession no.

WWAT 2000/1

Accession title

Domiciliary Midwives Society of New Zealand (Inc.), 1976-2000

Folder title Folder 9 Home Birth Association conference reports, 1986-1993
Holdings location Wise Woman Archives Trust (Inc.). Available at

Conference reports written by Home Birth Associations or Support Groups were given at Conference while the domiciliary midwives.reports were given at the Domicilary Midwives meetings before each Conference.

20001-9-001 20001-9-002 20001-9-003  20001-9-004 20001-9-005
20001-9-006 20001-9-007 20001-9-008 20001-9-009 20001-9-010
20001-9-011 20001-9-012 20001-9-013 20001-9-014 20001-9-014a
20001-9-015 20001-9-016 20001-9-017 20001-9-0118 20001-9-019